2) 国家自然科学基金项目:以分子印迹聚合物为基质的二氢吡啶钙离子拮抗剂立体选择性控释系统的研究(项目批准号:30672551),第一参与者。
3) 国家自然科学基金项目:β-受体激动剂特异性固相微萃取方法的研究(项目批准号:30873193),第二参与者。
4) 陕西省自然科学基金项目:无定型药物结构和焓二元弛豫及其物理不稳定性机制的研究(2016JM8050),主持。
5) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目:药物无定型结晶过程的相变动力学研究,主持。
1. Jin Wang, Ruimiao Chang, Yanan Zhao, Jiye Zhang, Ting Zhang, Qiang Fu, Chun Chang,Aiguo Zeng*. Coamorphous loratadine-citric acid system with enhanced physical stability and bioavailability. AAPS PharmSciTech, 2017,18(7):2541-2550.
2. Ruimiao Chang, Qiang Fu, Yong Li, Mingchan Wang, Wei Du,Chun Chang andAiguo Zeng*. Crystallization and relaxation dynamics of amorphous loratadine under different quenchcooling temperatures. CrystEngComm, 2017, 19:335-345.
3. Ruimiao Chang, Qiang Fu, Pei Yu, Lu Wang, Yong Li, Wei Du, Chun Chang,Aiguo Zeng*. A new polymorphic form and polymorphic transformation of loratadine. RSC Advances, 2016, 6:85063-85073.
4.Aiguo Zeng, Kai Dong, Maoling Wang, Jinyao Sun, Yalin Dong, Ke Wang, Chenning Guo, Yan Yan, Lu Zhang, Xianpeng Shi, Jianfeng Xing. Investigation of the colon-targeting, improvement on the side-effects and therapy on the experimental colitis in mouse of a resin microcapsule loading dexamethasone sodium phosphate. Drug Delivery, 2016, 23(6):1992-2002.
5. Kai Dong,Aiguo Zeng, Maoling Wang, Yalin Dong, Ke Wang, Chenning Guo, Yan Yan, Lu Zhang, Xianpeng Shi Jianfeng Xing. In vitro and in vivo study of a colon-targeting resin microcapsule loading a novel prodrug, 3,4,5-tributyryl shikimic acid. RSC Advances, 2016, 6:16882–16890. (co-first author)
6. Chang RM,Zeng AG, Du W, Xu XY, Zuo SJ, Chang C, Fu Q. An HPLC method for the determination of a novel anti-hypertension agent 6,7-dimethoxy-3-[4-(4-fluorobenzyloxy) -3-methoxyphenylmethyl]quinazolin-4(3H)-one in rat plasma: application to pharmacokinetic study. Biomedical Chromatography, 2016, 30(7):1118-1123.
7.Zeng AG,Wang D, Wu N, Yang R, Nan GJ, Bian XL, Yang GD. Extraction of Tanshinone IIA and Cryptotanshinone from the Rhizome of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge: Kinetics and Modeling. Separation Science and Technology, 2014, 49: 2330-2337.
8.Ai-Guo Zeng, Xin-Li Pang, Na Wu, Duan Wang, Guan-Jun Nan, Guang-De Yang, Xiao-Li Bian. Solubility of daidzein in propylene glycol plus water cosolvent mixtures. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2014, 366:127-133.
9. Xiaoli Bian, Xiangni Fan, Changhu Ke, Yajun Luan, Guilan Zhao,Aiguo Zeng*. Synthesis and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity evaluation of N-substituted aminomethyl-β-D- glucopyranosides. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2013, 21:5442–5450.
10.Ai-Guo Zeng, Jun Zhou, Cong Li, Yang-Xi Liu, Xin Yang, Guang-De Yang*. Solubility, Dissolution Enthalpy and Entropy of Isoimperatorin in Ethanol + Water Solvent Systems from 288.2 to 328.2 K. Journal of solution chemistry, 2012, 41(11):1986–1992.
11. Bianling Feng, Juqing Jin, Changhe Wang, Jie Song, Guangde Yang,Aiguo Zeng*. Analysis and retention behavior of isoflavone glycosides and aglycones in Radix Astragali by HPLC with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin as a mobile phase additive. Journal of separation science, 2012, 35(24):3469–3476.
12. Jianfeng Xing, Lina Chen Jie Song, Chenning Guo Guangde Yang,Aiguo Zeng*. Separation and determination of resibufogenin and cinobufagin in Chansu using reversed-phase liquid chromatography with gamma-cyclodextrin as mobile-phase modifier. Journal of separation science, 2012, 35(15): 1884-1892.
13.Aiguo Zeng, Jianfeng Xing, Changhe Wang, Jie Song, Cong Li, Xin Yanga, Guangde Yang*. Simultaneous analysis and retention behavior of major isoflavonoids in Radix Puerariae lobatae and Radix Puerariae thomsonii by high performance liquid chromatography with cyclodextrins as a mobile phase modifier. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2012, 712:145–151.
14. Guang-De Yang, Cong Li,Ai-Guo Zeng*, Qing-Hui Qu, Xin Yang, Xiao-Li Bian. Solubility of osthole in a binary system of ethanol and water. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2012, 325:41-44.
15. Guang-De Yang, Cong Li,Ai-Guo Zeng*,Yin-liang Guo, Xin Yang, Jian-feng Xing. Solubility of imperatorin in ethanol plus water mixtures. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2012, 167, 86-88.
16.Aiguo Zeng, Changhe Wang, Bingxiang Yuan, Guangde Yang, Qiang Fu*. The influence of chirality, physicochemical properties, and permeation enhancers on the transdermal permeation of amlodipine across rat skin. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 2010, 36(6):724-734.
17. Yuhong Zhu, Qinhua Chen,Aiguo Zeng*, Peng Li. Identification of sinomenine from Sinomenium actum and its simultaneous quantitation using Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry and Non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis. Chromatographia, 2010, 71(5/6): 447-454.
18.Aiguo Zeng, Bingxiang Yuan, Changhe Wang, Guangde Yang*. Langchong He. Frontal analysis of Cell Membrane Chromatography for determination of drug-α1D adrenergic receptor affinity. Journal of Chromatography B, 2009, 877(20-21):1833-1837.
19.Aiguo Zeng*, Bingxiang Yuan, Qiang Fu, Changhe Wang, Guilan Zhao. Influence of sodium dodecyl sulfate on swelling, erosion and release behavior of HPMC matrix tablets containing a poorly water-soluble drug. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 2009, 14(5): 499-505.
20. Aiguo Zeng, Bingxiang Yuan*, Fan Zhu, Limei Zhao, Langchong He, Guangde Yang. Cell Membrane Chromatography is correlated with Functional Assay for Ligand-Beta Adrenergic Receptor Affinities. Chromatographia, 2009, 69(11-12): 1373-1377.