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发布时间:2019-11-29     作者:     浏览量:





2018年-现今 西安交通大学药学院 副教授

2013年-现今 西安交通大学硕士研究生导师

2016-2017年 美国Clemson University 访问学者

2011-2017年 西安交通大学药学院 讲师

2006-2010年 西安交通大学药学院攻读博士学位(药物分析)

2003-2006年 陕西师范大学化材院攻读硕士学位(分析化学)



[1]陕西省自然科学基金 2021.1.1-2022.12.31 “凝血酶高效亲和色谱柱的制备研究”

[2]国家自然科学基金青年基金2012.1-2014.12 “MCF-7/CMC和MDA-MB-231/ CMC法筛选中药中与ER受体相互作用的抗肿瘤活性成分及差异蛋白研究”

[3]西安交通大学研究生教育改革项目2019.01-2020.12 《现代食品安全检测技术》

[4]中国博士后科学基金面上项目2018.9-2020.2 “二维凝血酶亲和色谱串联质谱从中药中筛选凝血酶抑制剂”





[1] 国家重大科研仪器设备研制专项 2013.1-2017.12 720万元“天然药物中目标物快速“识别鉴定”二维色谱仪研制”

[2]国家自然科学基金重点项目2013.1-2017.12 280万元“细胞膜色谱技术用于中药安全性和有效性评价的基础研究”

[3]西安交通大学重大项目与创新团队计划 2015.1-2017.12 50万元“天然药物活性筛选与优化设计创新团队”

[4]国家自然科学基金重点项目 2008.1-2011.12 150万“高表达TKR细胞膜色谱模型的建立与应用基础研究”

[5]新世纪优秀人才支撑计划2009.1-2011.12“A431 CMC-HPLC/MS联用法筛选发现红毛七中抗肿瘤活性成分”



[1] “二维联用色谱技术在药物筛选和乳制品分析中的应用”获2016年度陕西高等学校科学技术奖励一等奖王嗣岑,侯晓芳,韩省力,张涛,解笑瑜,张杰

[2] “二维联用色谱技术在药物筛选和乳制品分析中的应用”获2017年度陕西省科学技术奖励二等奖王嗣岑,侯晓芳,韩省力,张涛,解笑瑜,张杰


[1]一种合成塔斯品碱的方法(ZL 200810232351.X)

[2]一种FGFR4高表达的重组HEK293细胞及其应用 (201110269675.2)


[1] RI-2D二维色谱智能分析(数据处理)系统V1.0



[2] 配体-受体相互作用分析系统V1.0




[1] Yanru Qiao, Yingdi Shi, Chen Wu,Xiaofang Hou*, Xiaoyan Pan, Zijie Deng, Sicen Wang*. Rapid screening and identification of anticoagulation component from carthami flos by two-dimensional thrombin affinity chromatography combined with HPLC-MS/MS. Journal of Separation Science. 2021, 44(16):3061-9.

[2]Xiaofang Hou, Sun Meng, Bao Tao, Xie Xiaoyu, Wei Fen, Wang Sicen. Recent advances in screening active components from natural products based on bioaffinity techniques. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 2020.10(10): 1800-1813。

[3] Yingdi Shi, Sun Wei, Pan Xiaoyan,Hou Xiaofang*, Wang Sicen*, Zhang Junbo*. Establishment of thrombin affinity column (TAC)-HPLC-MS/MS method for screening direct thrombin inhibitors from Radix Salviae Miltiorrhiae. J Chromatogr B. 2020,1139:121894.

[4] Ping Zhang, Shi Yingdi, He Xiaoshuang, Sun Wei, Lv Yanni,Hou Xiaofang*. Study on screening potential allergenic proteins from infant milk powders based on human mast cell membrane chromatography and histamine release assays. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. 2019,9(1):55-61.

[5] Dan Xu, Wang Sicen,Hou Xiaofang, Sun Changshan. Preliminary Studies on Liquiritin, Deoxyschizandrin, and Tanshinone II A as Potential Anti-Neurodegenerative Disease Agent: Determination by Reverse-Phase Liquid Chromatography in Tianwang Buxin Pills. Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry. 2019,2019:1-8.

[6] Xiaoshuang He, Ping Zhang, Muhammad Saqib,Xiaofang Hou*, Sicen Wang. Screening active anti-breast cancer compounds from cortex magnolia officinalis by MCF-7 cell membrane chromatography coupled with UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS. Anal. Methods, 2017, 9(33): 4828-4836.

[7]Xiaofang Hou, Hu Yin, Wang Ping, Yang Liju, Al Awak Mohamad M., Tang Yongan, Twara Fridah K., Qian Haijun, Sun Ya-Ping. Modified facile synthesis for quantitatively fluorescent carbon dots. Carbon. 2017,122:389-394.

[8] Hu, Y.; Al Awak, M. M.; Yang, F.; Yan, S.; Xiong, Q.; Wang, P.; Tang, Y.; Yang, L.; LeCroy, G. E.;Hou, X.; Bunker, C. E.; Xu, L.; Tomlinson, N.; Sun, Y. P., Photoexcited State Properties of Carbon Dots from Thermally Induced Functionalization of Carbon Nanoparticles. Journal of materials chemistry. C, Materials for optical and electronic devices 2016, 4 (44), 10554-10561.

[9] Wang, P.; Liu, J.-H.; Gao, H.; Hu, Y.;Hou, X.; LeCroy, G. E.; Bunker, C. E.; Liu, Y.; Sun, Y.-P., Host–guest carbon dots as high-performance fluorescence probes. J. Mater. Chem. C 2017, 5 (25), 6328-6335.

[10] Meng Sun1,Xiaofang Hou1, Yuanyuan Lin, Jie Zhang and Sicen Wang. An improved cell membrane chromatography method for the simultaneous screening of two epidermal growth factor receptor antagonists from radix scutellariae. Journal of Separation Science. 2015, 38(22):3832-9314

[11]Xiaofang Hou,MengSun,Xiaoshuang He, Liang Chen, Ping Zhang, Langchong He. Simultaneous quantification of five proteins and seven additives in dairy products with the heart-cutting two-dimensional liquid chromatography method. Journal of Separation Science. 2015, 38(22): 3832-3838.

[12]Xiaofang Hou,Jing Ma, Xiaoshuang He, Liang Chen, Sicen Wang, Langchong He. A stop-flow two-dimensional liquid chromatography method for determination of food additives in yogurt. Analytical Methods. 2015, 7, 2141-2148.

[13] Peng Zhang,Xiaofang Hou,Nan Lv, Liuxin Feng, Sicen Wang. Cell Membrane Chromatography with Zonal Elution for Characterization of Seven Alkaloids Binding to α1A Adrenoreceptor. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 2015, 38, 986-992.

[14]Xiaofang Hou, Sicen Wang, Tao Zhang, Jing Ma, Jie Zhang, Yanmin Zhang, Wen Lu, Huaizhen He, Langchong He*. Recent advances in cell membrane chromatography for traditional Chinese medicines analysis. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2014,101: 141-150

[15] Jing Ma, Bing Zhang, Yunan Wang,Xiaofang Hou*. Comparison of Six Sample Preparation Methods for Analysis of Food Additives in Milk Powder. Food Analytical Methods. 2014,7(6):1345-1352

[16] Jing Ma, Bing Zhang, Yunan Wang,Xiaofang Hou*, Langchong He. Determination of flavor enhancers in milk powder by one-step sample preparation and two-dimensional liquid chromatography. Journal of Separation Science. 2014;37(8):920-926.

[17] Jing Ma,Xiaofang Hou, Bing Zhang, Yunan Wang, Langchong He. The analysis of carbohydrates in milk powder by a new “heart-cutting” two-dimensional liquid chromatography method. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2014 25;91:24-31.

[18]Xiaofang Hou, Xilong Yuan, Bing Zhang, Sicen Wang. Screening active anti‐breast cancer compounds from Cortex Magnolia Officinalisby two dimensional liquid chromatography‐mass spectroscopy. Journal of Separation Science. 2013, 36, 706–712

[19] Xilong Yuan, Bing Zhang, Yunan Wang, Jing Ma,Xiaofang Hou*. An online coupled breast cancer cell membrane chromatography with HPLC/MS for screening active compounds from Fructus evodiae. Analytical Methods, 2013,5, 5767-5774.

[20]Xiaofang Hou, Sicen Wang, Jingjing Hou, Langchong He. Establishment of A431 Cell Membrane Chromatography-RPLC Method for Screening Target Components from Radix Caulophylli. Journal of Separation Science. 2011, 34, 508–513

[21] Miao Li,Xiaofang Hou, Sicen Wang, Qiang Fu, Langchong He. Applications of HPLC/MS in the analysis of traditional Chinese medicines. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2011. 1(2): 81-91.

[22]Xiaofang Hou, Jing Ren, Sicen Wang, Langchong He. Establishment of a High Expression of a1AAdrenergic Receptor Cell Membrane Chromatography-RPLC Method for Screening Target Components from Radix Caulophylli. Chromatographia. 2010, 72: 635-640

[23]Xiaofang hou, Mingzhe Zhou, Qiao Jiang, Sicen Wang, Langchong He. A Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Membrane Chromatography-Offline-GC/MS Method for Recognition, Separation and Identification of Active Components from Chinese Traditional Medicines. Journal of Chromatography A. 2009,1216: 7081-7087

[24]XiaoFang Hou, ZhuJun Zhang, Yan Zhao, Jie Ma. Microdialysis sampling and chemi -luminescence detection for in vivo and real-time study of the lead metabolism in rabbit blood. Microchimica acta. 2007, 159: 223–228

[25] Langchong He, Sicen Wang, Guangde Yang, Yanmin Zhang, Changhe Wang, Bingxiang Yuan,Xiaofang Hou. Progress in cell membrane chromatography. Drug discoveries & therapeutics 2007, 1, 104.

[26]侯晓芳,施迎娣,王嗣岑. 中药及保健品中非法添加物的分析技术研究进展. 中国药科大学学报. 2019,50(1):33-40

[27]侯晓芳, 王嗣岑, 张涛, 贺浪冲.细胞膜色谱法应用于中药质量控制的思考. 世界科学技术-中医药现代化. 2014,16(3): 526-528.

[28]侯晓芳, 杜晖, 贺晓双, 张平, 王嗣岑. 细胞膜色谱法用于药物与受体相互作用研究进展. 药学进展. 2015, 39(12):882-888.

[29]侯晓芳,章竹君,赵琰,马杰. 流动注射化学发光法测定面粉中的增白剂-过氧化苯甲酰. 陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版).2006,34(1): 67-70

[30]肖娜,侯晓芳,崔亚丽,陈超.微型流动注射化学发光仪测定蔬菜中残留的有机磷农药.西北大学学报(自然科学版).2007,37(5): 767-770




